Make North Carolina Work

Join us in this vital effort to amplify worker voices and secure a brighter future for all.

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Make North Carolina Work is a joint campaign between Siembra NC and Organized Power In Numbers. In May, we launched a bilingual digital worker outreach campaign to unite and empower working-class North Carolinians.

Our mission is to address critical issues such as working conditions, fair wages, and the rising cost of living by engaging directly with communities across the state. This partnership aims to build a robust network of supporters who will drive meaningful social and political change.

Our Vision

  • Fair Compensation
  • Protect Piece Rate Pay
  • Overtime Pay for All Workers
  • Require Paid Work Breaks
  • Fix Unemployment System

Fair Working Conditions

  • End Worker Misclassification
  • Advance Scheduling
  • Paid Sick and Family Leave
  • Driver’s Licenses for All

Empowering Voices

  • Union Rights
  • Increase Corporate Income Tax
  • End Corporate Relocation Tax Breaks
  • Extend Same-Day Registration

Good Jobs, Good Life

  • Fund Childcare Subsidies
  • In-State Tuition for All
  • Automatic Lease Renewal
  • Fund Public Education
  • Universal Pre-K
  • Universal Background Checks for Gun Sales
  • Protect Against Medical Debt
  • End Forced Law Enforcement
  • Collaboration with ICE
  • End Duke Energy Monopoly

Download Our Platform Breakdown

Lee Sobre Nuestra Plataforma

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Get Involved!

  1. Endorse the platform
  2. Share the pledge
  3. Join the facebook group
  4. Join our actions!