
Our campaigns win real concrete improvements in the lives of workers, their families, and communities by building power at the local, state, and national levels.

Labor Based Deferred Action

Our in-house counsel does extensive work with unions, worker centers, and other organizations to train those who represent those who need protection from deportation after facing a violation of their rights at work, by helping with Labor Based Deferred Action applications.

Make North Carolina Work

Make North Carolina Work is a joint campaign between Siembra NC and Organized Power In Numbers. In May, we launched a bilingual digital worker outreach campaign to unite and empower working-class North Carolinians.

Power Up Bern Co.

New Mexico is the epicenter for green energy jobs. We're making sure they are good union jobs and there's a pipeline for young workers, workers of color and women to create a new generation of skilled workers leading the way in the green economy.

Power Up Harris County, TX

We are building poor and working class people power to use federal investment to create a new sustainable energy hub and good union jobs that lowers rates for customers and raises wages for workers.

Public Utility for the Movement

We partner with unions, worker centers, and other worker power and economic justice organizations to use our digital and data infrastructure and expertise to reach millions of people our movements aren't talking to yet.

School of Organizing

We continue to train new leaders and organizers in our movement ecosystem. The school of organizing scaffolds and supports new and emerging organizers in the South and Southwest to succeed in their role, learn from and reflect on best practices, and apply them through real-time work in their organizations.

Take Back Our Homes, AZ

Housing is a workers issue so we are pushing for protections for tenants and winning the right to a lawyer, anti-discrimination, and affordable housing policies across Arizona. One person unable to secure housing is one too many.

Temp Workers United

Raising standards for temp agency workers lifts standards for all workers. We're stopping exploitation and discrimination in the temp staffing industry.